What’s it like to build a tech product from the ground up? How do you validate that a market exists? What tools can you use to gain confidence that you are on the right track? In this week’s podcast, Bill Spohn is...
What’s it like to build a tech product from the ground up?
How do you validate that a market exists?
What tools can you use to gain confidence that you are on the right track?
In this week’s podcast, Bill Spohn is joined by John Hoehn, CEO of Duckling.
Duckling’s mission is to help contractors help their customers on their journey to electrifying their homes.
John and his co-founder, Sudeep Yegnashankaran have deep backgrounds in software development. They have been working on Duckling over the last two years and are now recruiting their first customers.
Bill is honored to join their team as an advisor alongside Elliott Trice, who brings decades of experience in tech product development and design.
Keep your eyes open and ears peeled for what Duckling hatches in the coming year!
In full disclosure, Bill has a small financial interest in Duckling.
Duckling website: www.getduckling.com
Results from the contractor survey conducted in late 2022:
Duckling one-page overview: https://bit.ly/Duckling-1-23
Are you a contractor interested in being a design partner with Duckling?
Fill out this quick form: https://bit.ly/Duckling-EAP
Electrification Panel Discussion at the 2023 HVAC School Symposium featuring Kimberly Llewellyn, Jim Bergmann and Bill Spohn*
* a small fee will gain you access to all recorded sessions from the Symposium for a limited time.
Learn more about Steve Blank, who guidance John mentions in the podcast:
This episode was recorded in February 2023.