Dec. 26, 2017

EP11 The Wild, Wild JWest- from Heavy Metal to House Wrap

EP11 The Wild, Wild JWest- from Heavy Metal to House Wrap

Today Bill speaks with JWest, a building performance practitioner and educator. J can be reached at (his consulting business) or at (the community action agency in Chicago that he works for as Training Director.) We...

Today Bill speaks with JWest, a building performance practitioner and educator. J can be reached at (his consulting business) or at (the community action agency in Chicago that he works for as Training Director.) We learn about The House at Cornell Tech Center on Roosevelt Island near NY City, which is the tallest and largest residential Passive House high-rise in the world. J discusses the HabitatX Conference as something listeners should investigate ( He also discussed Passive House Concepts: you can learn more at or