Aug. 1, 2019

EP40 Why You need to Pay Attention to National Standards Affecting HVAC Installations with Jeremy Begley

EP40 Why You need to Pay Attention to National Standards Affecting HVAC Installations with Jeremy Begley

In this age of high technology and Jedi Knights, we often overlook the need of personal involvement, but we do so at our own risk. William H. McRaven (American Solider) Attention all HVAC Techs: Soon someone will be looking over your shoulder.  ...

In this age of high technology and Jedi Knights, we often overlook the need of personal involvement, but we do so at our own risk.

William H. McRaven (American Solider)

Attention all HVAC Techs:

Soon someone will be looking over your shoulder.


Not it’s not the Homeowner, with severe coffee breath and a million little questions, it’s going to be a Home Energy Rater giving a grade to your HVAC installation.




Yes, like it or not, this will happen.


And it is justified.


It’s because the work done by HVAC Technicians is so important; important to the occupant’s comfort, safety and health as well as their utilities bills AND the utility companies in general as they try to balance the supply and demand of energy. 


Residential HVAC energy demand is a big topic in the utility world. (We’ll do a podcast on this later.)


Listen in as Jeremy Begley of HVAC Design Partners of Cincinnati, OH shares with us how paying attention to standards as helped to shape his entrepreneurial career. Specifically, the upcoming ACCA/RESNET standard on Grading the Installation of HVAC Systems.


One timely note here: the comment period on the first draft of a new RESNET standard (BSR/RESNET/ACCA 310-201x, Standard for Grading the Installation of HVAC Systems) closes on Aug 6, 2019. If you want to review and/or comment go to this link ASAP


Jeremy’s got a lot to share with the both the HVAC and Building Performance industries. He came on the podcast to encourage others to review and engage in this and other important HVAC Standards.


The methodology in the standard has five steps – a design review, a total duct leakage test, a Blower Fan CFM test, a Blower Fan watt draw test, and a non-invasive evaluation of refrigerant charge (NIST found in MeasureQuick). These five tasks should be completed in sequence and upon completion the results are evaluated for compliance with thresholds. The result of this process is anywhere from a failing system to a grade 1, 2, or 3; with 1 being the top grade and all grades yielding extra points in the HERS rating.


Besides being important to HERS ratings, it is basic physics and the methods described have positive impact outside of the rating world.


Learn more about the standard itself by going to, where you will find a link to RESNET conference slides on this topic and a link to the other podcast I host, RESTALK, where I interviewed Wes Davis (ACCA) and Den Gamble (EPA) on this standard.


If you want to learn more about the services and training (coming) that Jeremy offers you can reach out via the contact form on his website: