Today’s guest is Larry Zarker, CEO of BPI, the Building Performance Institute. BPI is the nation’s premier organization for certification and standards-setting for home performance professionals. You will find them on the web at which...
Today’s guest is Larry Zarker, CEO of BPI, the Building Performance Institute. BPI is the nation’s premier organization for certification and standards-setting for home performance professionals. You will find them on the web at which is also the site for building performance professionals. The BPI standards for home performance work can be found at There is a separate site for homeowners at with a blog for consumers found here: Everyone is welcomed to take the home quiz to see what savings building performance is available. Just type in your US street address! We discussed the consumer trend towards an interest in Healthy Homes and noted the new BPI Healthy Home Evaluator Credentials ( as well as the new organization support them called The Healthy Home Environment Association ( ) Larry noted the key conferences to attend are those from the multifaceted Home Performance Coalition: including the main conference coming up in April 2108 in Philadelphia, for info on that go here: