Oct. 7, 2022

EP96 A Day in the Life of a Smart Building with Vineet Sinha, JCI (Oct 2022)

EP96 A Day in the Life of a Smart Building with Vineet Sinha, JCI (Oct 2022)

“A day in the life of a smart building. Now spaces have memory and identity.”     Now more than ever, facility owners and managers are incorporating smarter and more connected building technologies to improve...

“A day in the life of a smart building. Now spaces have memory and identity.”



Now more than ever, facility owners and managers are incorporating smarter and more connected building technologies to improve proactive maintenance, reduce energy use, and create operational efficiencies. 


On todays’ podcast, Vineet Sinha, VP of Product management at Johnson Controls joins us to shed light on how connected building systems are operating holistically and working together to create a truly smart environment.


Buildings of the future are here today and can do all this. It sounds complex, but these smart buildings cost a lot less to run and use fewer resources, all while ensuring indoor spaces are clean and safe.  


In this discussion, we walk listeners through a day in the life a smart building from the perspective of an everyday occupant and explain how connected technologies enable an experience that makes people feel comfortable, safe and in control. 


Vineet shares with us definitions of a building persona and how building are moving to cognition of the occupants.

You can connect with Vineet on LinkedIn at:



Learn more about JCI’s Open Blue Solutions at:


This episode was recorded in Oct 2022.